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Are you looking for NASA STEM materials to support your curriculum?

Search hundreds of resources by subject, grade level, type and keyword at https://www.nasa.gov/education/materials/.

Find NASA science resources for your classroom. NASA Wavelength is a digital collection of Earth and space science resources for educators of all levels — from elementary to college, to out-of-school programs. https://science.nasa.gov/learners/wavelength

Check out the ‘Explore NASA Science’ website! Science starts with questions, leading to discoveries. Visit science.nasa.gov. To view the site in Spanish, visit ciencia.nasa.gov.

Teaching Space With NASA
Join NASA experts and education specialists for live education webinars.
Ask questions, get teaching resources and share the excitement of space exploration with students.

We at AeroED Group are advocates for K-12 student awareness of what their opportunities will be when they are of age to launch their careers.

On the horizon and in development by NASA are "Urban Air Mobility"


and an accelerating excitement about going to the Moon and Mars.

Below are some new links for you to review of highly credible programs for student awareness and inspiration :

Thought to remember: “MATH” is the “common denominator” for all of STEM. A good start:
Effective Approaches to Teaching Multiplication

With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing students of all ages to stay in their homes to attend virtual schools and find something to do between classes, NASA’s aeronautical educators offered a number of options online for kids and parents alike to stay busy, have fun using aviation-themed backgrounds during video calls, and learn something more about NASA’s work to improve aviation and make air travel safer. Here are a few examples:




San Diego's aviation historian and excellent aerospace educator at SDSU:http://amaflightschool.org/content/gary-fogel


Inspiration for generations to comeNASA’s Apollo Program was a stunning demonstration of the United States’ strength of will and its economic, political and technological power – a feat that inspired generations of young people. It was fuel to the f…

Inspiration for generations to come

NASA’s Apollo Program was a stunning demonstration of the United States’ strength of will and its economic, political and technological power – a feat that inspired generations of young people. It was fuel to the fire of the American consciousness that brought on a revolution, not only in science and technology, but also in our passion for exploration and discovery.

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has dedicated itself to shaping the future of aerospace and our future includes YOU. We believe educators provide an invaluable service to our community. You are building the next generation of aerospace engineers. Together, we inspire students to use what they learn today to innovate and invent tomorrow.

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has dedicated itself to shaping the future of aerospace and our future includes YOU. We believe educators provide an invaluable service to our community. You are building the next generation of aerospace engineers. Together, we inspire students to use what they learn today to innovate and invent tomorrow.